最新 2023 遊艇

DB/43 IB


DB/43 舷內版讓您以享樂主義模式,盡情領會大海之美!這艘豪華日間遊艇擁有獨特的風格,提供非凡舒適的巡航體驗,令您在碧海藍天之間與好友分享難忘回味時刻。

船上設有 SEANAPPS 技術。欲了解更多資訊,請點擊這裡


DB/43 舷內版本在巡航時安全舒適,可容納多達12人。在停泊時可輕鬆轉換船身佈局,例如於船尾打開兩個側面露台,形成一個巨大的船尾游泳平臺,擁抱大海。在短短幾秒鐘內,座椅靠背轉動,將駕駛艙重新配置為一個豪華的沙龍,融入一個設有中島的酒吧式廚房。一邊聊天一邊做飯,喝一杯雞尾酒,在船首甲板上曬日光浴,或在魚群中游泳 …… 全看您個人選擇。



致力為您提供倘佯在海洋和沉浸於陽光的樂趣,DB/43 舷內版擁有迷人、溫馨的內部裝潢。與幾個朋友在船上度過一個夜晚時,高端的家具您們提供非凡的舒適感。船主艙寬敞明亮,客艙亦充滿光線,擁有一個雙人床位,亦可以變換成第三個床位。甲板上那種海灘俱樂部的氛圍,無論在陽光或星空下,都將您和客人完全包圍,讓您們在夢寐以求的的地方創造難忘的回憶。


Visit 360°

全长 13.03 m / 42'9"
船体长 11.15 m / 36'7"
船宽 3.82 m / 12'6"
标准龙骨吃水 0.94 m / 3'1"
船舱 2
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The information gathered via the Jeanneau website (subsequently referred to as “the Website”) is managed by SPBI S.A–JEANNEAU Communications Services, responsible for data management, in order to process your request for information, as well as to get to know you better.

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  • the right to access, (and) to correct, delete and acquire information that concerns you;
  • the right to limit and oppose for legitimate reasons the management of your personal information;
  • the option to transmit instructions to us in order to organise the future management of your data (conservation, deletion, communication to a third party, etc.) in the event of death;

You may exercise these rights by writing to the following email address: service.client@jeanneau.fr.

However, your opposition can, in certain cases, impact your request for information.

For more information concerning data management, we ask you to refer to our general terms and conditions.

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