2020, what a year! When we first heard the words, “Global Pandemic,” we feared the worst. Would our business suddenly grind to a halt? Would people suddenly put boating on hold? We honestly didn’t know!

But as the weeks passed, we soon realized that things would be OK. Spring turned into summer and soon more and more of our owners found their way to the water. Some were bound for extended journeys others for a simple day-trip across the lake.

Some were under sail, others under power. All however were in the moment, having fun. The year is just about over now, but the summer of 2020 and our days on the water will forever be etched in our minds, not only as the year of Covid-19
but the year we took the time to cast off the lines and push away from the dock.

The year is coming to a close, and 2020 was sure a year to remember. From the entire Jeanneau America Crew, we wish you and your loved ones Happy Holidays and a fun-filled New Year ahead.