Sailboat Maintenance

Maintaining your boat is a routine activity if you wish to keep it in good condition for the longest time possible and manage your cruising budget.  To do this, you should conduct several cleaning and maintenance activities several times a year.  


Here is some advice for extending the life of your equipment, and particularly if you wish to adopt the best maintenance practices for sailing with absolute peace of mind.


➔ Hull Maintenance

Between each cruise, your boat stays still in its slip.

For the part of the hull beneath the water line, a yearly cleaning and antifouling is essential.  This entails cleaning the hull, with the application of a new coat of antifouling paint, if necessary.  Sometimes, this requires removing the first coat before applying another coat of paint.  


⇨ Please be careful if you plan to do this yourself, as you are required to conduct this step in an area designated by the boatyard for the proper treatment and disposal of waste.


The gelcoat on the part of the hull that is above the water line is often exposed to UV rays, moonlight, etc.  These natural elements can cause the hull to yellow.  In the shipchandlers, there are specific products to clean and maintain your hull.  


Consult the list at your Jeanneau dealership and at the shipchandlers, and don’t hesitate to ask professionals in order to benefit from their advice and learn more details.

Contact Your Jeanneau Dealer


➔ Deck Maintenance

The deck is heavily used while cruising, enduring foot traffic by crew, rubbing from lines, exposure to salt, etc., and rust marks or other spots can appear.  We advise you to rinse your deck as often as possible, and ideally after each outing, and to clean it with specialised products in order to prevent premature aging.

If you have a teak deck, and you brush it regularly and apply specific protection to nourish it, you will appreciate the results, as your deck should weather well over time.  We recommend that you avoid using a high-pressure sprayer for cleaning your deck in order to avoid causing damage to certain waterproofing and sensitive elements (teak, joints, upholstery, etc.).

When you clean your deck, be sure to have a look at the interior of your boat to ensure that no water is getting inside.  Check around the window joints, deck panels and deck hardware.


➔ Engine Maintenance


Regular maintenance of your engine and related equipment, such as the battery and the electrical system, is indispensable to ensure a problem-free season.

We advise you to check your electrical system (batteries, fuses, etc.) regularly, or at the very minimum, annually, to verify that everything is in order before sailing and/or proceeding with changing out certain pieces that may be defective.

For the most effective function of your engine, make a habit of checking the following:  the level of motor oil, the cooling fluid, the fuel system, the engine belts, the propulsion system, etc.  Your Jeanneau dealer is at your disposal to assist you in conducting these essential checks.

Finally, add antifreeze to the raw-water cooling system at the end of the season after having rinsed your motor well with sea water in order to guarantee a well-maintained cooling system.


➔ Rigging Maintenance

In order to ensure that your rigging stays in good condition, you must frequently check the various cables and crimping of your standing rigging, and at the slightest doubt, have it checked by your Jeanneau dealer.  We advise you to replace it if it is over fifteen years old for your safety while sailing.

While your sailboat is in the water, check the alignment of your mast and rake to optimise your performance under sail.


➔ Sail Maintenance

It is important to rinse your sails after each outing to preserve them for the longest time possible and to protect them from the effects of UV rays, salt, and folds or stowing in humid environment. If possible, at the end of the season, you should rinse your sails, dry them and store them in a dry place for the winter.  

There are also specific cleaning products available, in the case of rust marks or traces of mildew, when preparing for a new season.

This advice also goes for your Biminis and canvas boat covers.


➔ Tender and Fender Maintenance

Your tender and fenders must also be maintained, as they are exposed to the same exterior aggressions:  UV rays, salt and humidity.  Ideally, you should rinse these after each use to optimise their lifespan and save on investments in equipment over time.

Your dealer also offers specific cleaning products for sale that can be applied to your tender and fenders to bring back their shine and protect them from UV rays.  Don’t hesitate to contact your dealership for their services or advice.


➔ Rigging Maintenance

Have your rigging checked regularly, including:  spreaders, shrouds, chainplates, halyards, foot of the mast, boom, etc.  Every year, you should take care to check the wear on the ends of your halyards and reefing lines, which are important elements for your safety on board, and complete any necessary replacements or repairs before the start of the season.


⇨ Important:  before conducting any cleaning, be sure to have the proper personal protective equipment suited for the type of product you will be using.


Your Jeanneau Dealer Is at Your Disposal:


These regular equipment checks enable you to manage the cost and maintenance of your new or pre-owned sailboat.  If you would like more details or if you need a repair, please don’t hesitate to contact your nearest Jeanneau dealer.


Contact Your Jeanneau Dealer


They are able to offer professional advice and services for all of your equipment, including:  for the operation and maintenance of your batteries, using the right oil, providing a full check of your electrical system before sailing, as well as painting services and tips for enhancing your teak deck, rinsing and preparing your sails to ensure successful storage, and any necessary equipment repairs…


Good annual maintenance enables you to save on costs over the long term.

We wish you fair winds and a beautiful sailing season!


Here is a list of Jeanneau professionals who are ready to assist you:


Contact Your Jeanneau Dealer